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just like you.

Visit Discover Church

Pursuit Night
Thursday July 21st | 6:30pm
Pursue the heart of God with us at this night of prayer and worship!
Find the Crew for you.
Crews start in July, get signed up!
Crews are a great place to find community, and grow closer to God. Go to the crews page for more.
Backyard Church & BBQ
Sunday July 3rd | 10am
We're doing church in style with a short service at 10am followed by yard games, swimming, and a delicious BBQ!
What's Happening
at our church.

There's a place for you here.

Trusting God's call, after 15 years of Youth Ministry, along with 7 years of church planting, and 4 incredible years of Lead Pastoring in South Hill, WA, the Allison's returned to California in 2019 to launch a new work out of Bethel Church in Lodi. While high school sweethearts in Antioch, Bethel invested in their lives and ministry from a young age. Now, having made many life-long friends in ministry, and seen God's hand and favor at every turn, they move forward believing you can hear from God and do anything!
Currently, Mike serves as a Regional Board Member, and is the Pacific Region Youth Director for Open Bible Churches. He is enrolled at Wheaton College and is pursuing a master’s degree in Ministry and Leadership.
Mike and Kristine have three amazing kids, Brayden, Mason and Emilya. They love movies, games, and recently began horseback riding. The family has a passion to share the Gospel of Peace in creative ways so that anyone, anywhere would have the opportunity to take a step towards Jesus.